The Process Of Asbestos Removal
Asbestos removal can be highly risky and is always recommended to be left to professionals, as asbestos is highly hazardous and presents major risks to human health and the environment when fibres become damaged and released into the air. Exposure to damaged asbestos can cause life-threatening illnesses such as lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma, so the health and safety guidelines put in place by the HSE and the Government are crucial to adhering to where proper handling of asbestos is essential at all times.
To ensure the safety of your employees, members of the public and family, always follow health and safety protocols and legislation when dealing with asbestos at a property. If you are a little uncertain about how the correct asbestos removal process works, we have put together a useful guide for you below.
The Steps Involved Within The Asbestos Removal Process
For non-domestic properties, those who are in charge of the maintenance of the premises are responsible to manage the asbestos within the building and where possible, be able to identify areas of other properties that contain asbestos. If asbestos cannot be located, then it is advised to hire a professional asbestos contractor who will carry out a reliable survey to identify the location of the asbestos.
A Risk Assessment Needs To Be Carried out
If any maintenance work can be carried out whilst avoiding the risk of damaging any asbestos-containing materials, then the risk of asbestos-containing materials from releasing fibres into the air is reduced. If any renovation work is being carried out inside a building and areas that contain asbestos cannot be avoided, then a thorough risk assessment will need to be carried out. Here at A4 Asbestos, we can provide a reliable asbestos survey to help identify any locations that contain asbestos-causing materials to help ensure that health and safety guidelines are followed when work is to take place. If asbestos is identified, then correct risk assessments should be carried out and professional asbestos removal and collection services are needed.
Licensed Or Unlicensed Asbestos Removal?
When dealing with asbestos we always advise that you turn to professional contractors such as the A4 Asbestos team who are fully licensed by the HSE, as you know for certain that the asbestos will be removed professionally and efficiently. For the need of a licensed contractor, asbestos materials need to be sprayed with asbestos coating, contain asbestos lagging and any work completed with asbestos insulation and insulating board. Feel confident when you hire a fully licensed asbestos removal contractor who will ensure all HSE guidelines are met and the asbestos is disposed of safely and legally. When you deal with us, All ACMs will be removed in accordance with HSE asbestos guidelines and will be transported under a carrier’s licence issued by the Environment Agency to a disposal point licensed to receive hazardous asbestos products.
How A4 Asbestos Can Help
Our team of highly trained asbestos contractors have decades of experience in providing fully licensed asbestos services in Bristol and across the South West, allowing us to become one of the leading asbestos specialists in the area. If you would like an asbestos removal service, asbestos collection, an asbestos survey or asbestos sampling, get in touch with our team today.